Form 1099 Miscellaneous and Upcoming Filing Deadlines

Starting in 2016, the IRS implemented new filing requirements for most information returns, including Forms 1098, 1099, and W-2/W-3. They also increased penalties related to these forms and made penalties subject to inflationary adjustments. Penalties are based on the filing date of correct information and date that forms are furnished to the payee. Businesses can

Getting Your Business Ready for Tax Season

Small business owners typically spend more than two weeks each year getting documents together so they can file their tax returns. Preparing now can help avoid stress later and could save you lots of money! Although there are many more exciting options this time of year, filing accurate tax returns is non-negotiable. If you own

How will the Tax Cuts & Jobs Acts Bill Affect Me?

Congress passed the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act Bill (TCJA) in December 2017. Implementation of some key provisions is still being finalized, but the following are major changes that will affect tax returns you file for 2018 through 2025: Changes to Tax Brackets Most taxpayers will benefit from a decreased tax bracket beginning in 2018.